Giving is offering money to an organization or using your time to benefit others with nothing expected in return. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah combines both donations in Utah and giving time back to your community to help a younger child happy by becoming a role model for them.

Children from a poverty-stricken area of a broken home are the majority of the children Big Brother Big Sisters of Utah help. A child will benefit from having a mentor who will give the child a positive impact on their lives. The donations in Utah of their time from Big Brother/Big Sister mentors are trained to learn safety, being a role model, and receiving parental approval for any activities their children chose to participate in with their Big mentors.


Giving time to a non-profit organization like Big Brother Big Sister of Utah improves the mentor’s and the kid’s health through exercise. It instills a healthy sense of purpose in their lives, promoting overall good health. Sharing is important in learning how to make and keep friendships. Develops skills to take turns and cope with disappointment. Learning these skills puts a child on the road to an excellent foundation for a bright future life.

Giving makes a person happier. It creates joy for the person who is giving to others. Researchers show that giving improves mood, gives better physical health, and an increase in life expectancy is connected to giving, medically. The feel-good effect is described as “the givers glow,” which triggers the brain’s chemistry to activate endorphins and tranquility.


Giving donations in Utah to the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah’s non-profit organization is important to both the kids who receive a big brother or big sister and the working staff to get the opportunity to share the love of giving.