The Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Utah is a youth program in Utah and a state chapter of a national support program for children and teens who need a positive mentor. It’s a volunteer-based outreach program with a long history of positive benefits for adult and teen participants.

The Big Brothers and Big Sisters program has a long history and is one of the best-known youth programs in Utah and across the country.

The Origins of Big Brothers and Big Sisters

In 1904, a county court clerk in New York named Ernest Colter noticed many young boys coming through the court system, boys in trouble for petty crimes and in general just running wild. Ernest realized that caring adults could help set a positive example for these boys and help them stay out of trouble.

Ernest set out to find volunteers, and slowly, the Big Brothers program took shape.

Later, a group called the Ladies of Charity reached out to young girls coming through the New York Children’s Court. They began the same pattern of volunteer mentorship of older women and troubled young girls in a serendipitous moment. Thus, the Catholic Big Sisters program was born.

Each group worked separately, but with similar missions, until 1977. The Big Brothers Association and Big Sisters International merged to become Big Brothers Big Sisters of America.

Modern Day Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah

This program operates in 12 countries around the world and all 50 states, including as a youth program in Utah. This one-on-one mentoring program matches “Bigs” – adult volunteers – with “Littles” who need positive adult support in their lives.

As the friendship between the Big and Little grows, Littles can realize their potential with encouragement and support. For the Big mentors, it’s an opportunity to give back to their communities and learn more about themselves and their values.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah is always open to volunteers. Please get in touch with us or visit our website to learn more!