Mentors have positive and lasting effects on the lives of the youth they serve. Mentors help build self-confidence in youth, allowing them to realize and reach their full potential. 

The volunteer opportunities in Utah with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah as a mentor can have lasting effects on both the mentor and mentee. 

Mentors of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Bigs to do not need any specific qualifications to apply, or become mentors. You just have to be yourself, and willing! Bigs of all races, religions, and experiences are encouraged to apply.

Why Mentor?

Providing a child with mentorship is an invaluable benefit that one can impart to them. There are many reasons why children need mentors, and it’s impossible to deny the profound impact they have on children’s lives. 1 in 3 young people are without a mentor during their upbringing.

When you volunteer in Utah as a mentor, you can be a positive role model, a guide, an anchor of support, a fountain of encouragement, a companion for the journey, and a source of joy. Essentially, you can be somebody that a child can count on and confide in.

According to research, mentorship is a priceless asset for young people grappling with challenging life transitions, including coping with challenges in their home environment or preparing for adulthood. The cornerstone of successful mentorship lies in cultivating a strong, positive, and enduring relationship between mentor and mentee.

The Positive Influence Mentors Have on Children

The impact of mentors on children can be immensely positive and formidable. Multiple types of research have demonstrated that children with a mentor are more likely to thrive academically, make sound judgments, and cultivate affirmative interpersonal connections.

According to a report by MENTOR, young adults who had a mentor in their childhood are:

  • 55% more likely to enroll in college
  • 78% more likely to volunteer regularly
  • 90% more likely to become mentors
  • 130% more likely to hold leadership positions

Another Big Brothers Big Sisters study established that mentorship decreased the chances of children using illegal drugs by 46%, alcohol consumption by 27%, and school absenteeism by 52%. In addition, the research revealed that mentored children were more likely to have positive relationships with their peers and parents and higher aspirations for their future.

How to Become a Mentor

Potential Bigs can apply, interview, and train virtually. BBBSU has a thorough application process that potential Bigs will go through. Applicants will provide references and complete online or live training. 

Here’s how to get started:

Step 1: Orientation

Visit to learn about BBBSU’s mission and learn about the ways you can help inspire youth. Online, you will find an orientation page that details BBBSU’s mission, its reason for helping youth, volunteer qualifications, and expectations. Then, fill out the questionnaire at the end. Click here for orientation details. 

Step 2: Application 

Following the orientation, you will receive a link that will take you to the national Big Brothers Big Sisters application or the mentor2.0 application. 

Step 3: Fingerprinting and Interview 

After we receive your application, you will receive two links to schedule:

  1. Your fingerprint appointment
  2. Your virtual interview

*Please make sure you have completed the fingerprinting before your interview.

Step 4: Online Training 

The online/live training prepares potential Bigs for developing a positive relationship with their Little. Training includes aspects of youth development and youth protection.

Step 5: Application Review

While you complete your training, BBBSU staff will check your background and references and review your application.

Step 6: Meet Your Little 

After the application process is completed and the potential Big has been accepted, BBBSU staff will propose a mentoring match. They will give you information about the Little; from there, you will decide whether they will be the best fit. 

Lastly, let us know how you found out about us – whether it was through marketing services in Utah or from word of mouth. Participating in volunteer opportunities in Utah with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah could help change a kid’s future, and probably yours too!