How Can I Make Donations in Utah?

Donating to a worthy cause is something we all like to do. Whether we give time or money to a charitable organization, the effort is never in vain. Making donations in Utah is a great way to pitch in, but how do your donations help organizations?

BBBSU and Donations in Utah

At BBBSU (Big Brothers And Big Sisters Of Utah), your donations in Utah of both time or money go to where it’s needed most. Grants and funding take care of the bills of setting up a base of operations (like having an office building and electricity), but your time and money can help us give back to the community.

When donations in Utah are given to the BBBSU, they go right back out to help the public in different ways. Some of these ways include raising more money for relief funding or matching “bigs” (mentors) with “littles” (mentored students). 

Donations go to:

  • Matching kids in need of a mentor or guidance with mentoring adult volunteers
  • Tutoring and continuing education
  • Fun programs designed to keep kids learning
  • Events that help to raise awareness or more funding
  • Into hiring specialized staff (teachers, therapists, etc.)
  • Clothing and food donations to the needy
  • School programs and after school care programs
  • And much, much more!

There are so many ways you can help our cause at BBBSU and our community, but donations in Utah help us place funding where it’s needed.

Make a Change

When giving donations in Utah, you’re giving to the very best of your community. You’re drawing us all closer and helping to make the world a better place by helping the children and families we can.

There are many free services offered here, and we strive to keep educational programs and mentoring costs free to the people we help. Your donations to BBBSU help us continue these services for those who need it most. Visit BBBSU for more information on how to get involved.