Nonprofit organizations are often in need of new members to assist them in their volunteer efforts. Social media is a powerful tool that can support volunteerism, especially for a Youth Program in Utah such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah.

Social media offers more than just sharing attractive visuals or promoting products. The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah and non-profit organization, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah can use social media to get noticed and attract new people. There are three ways social media can support volunteerism:

  • Volunteer engagement
  • Recruitment of volunteers
  • Community Awareness

Volunteer Engagement Through Social Media

There are several ways that youth programming in Utah can be enhanced through the use of social media. A volunteer organization can create its social media account for the Utah youth program or use its social media account to connect with volunteers.

For this to work efficiently, an organization should ask volunteers to follow the account on social media. Then, they can make posts that catch the attention of volunteers. It could even be something that welcomes them.

Recruit Volunteers Through Social Media

Nonprofit organizations can use the power of social media to find potential volunteers. It’s the perfect way to give potential volunteers an idea of what it’s like to be a member of the organization.

Community Awareness Through Social Media

People are also using smartphones and computers to communicate through social media. It’s easy to do! A volunteer group, such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah, can use social media to collaborate with other volunteers to expand their youth program in Utah.

The organization can post about events that the community can participate in. Creating events and sharing them on social platforms like Facebook is a great way to attract new interests in the community. 

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