Looking for Volunteer Opportunities in Utah?

If you are looking for volunteer opportunities in Utah, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah is a life-changing experience – for both you and the Little you mentor. As a Big, you will have the opportunity to make a positive impact and contribute to the successful personal growth of at-risk youth as a role model to be looked up to and as a trusted friend. The bond you share and the personal investment you make in your Little’s life will be fulfilling and a much-needed form of stability and guidance during their formative years.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah

BBBSU believes that all kids can lead happy, healthy, successful lives regardless of adversity and circumstances. Additionally, research has demonstrated that mentoring is associated with a variety of positive behavioral, psychological, and career outcomes. The time Bigs spend with their Littles has been studied and is shown to have a significant influence in creating a more positive range of behavioral outcomes versus those who did not participate in a mentorship program. As a result of having a Big in their life, Littles had better personal relationships with their families, participated more and were more confident at school, and abstained more from substance abuse and alcohol. Training also matters, and BBSU provides ongoing training to mentors to help them in their journey.

Steering Towards Success

As a Big Brother or Big Sister with BBBSU, there are several ways to contribute your time as a mentor. The community-based model allows Bigs and Littles to be matched and spend quality one-on-one time several times a month doing an activity of their choosing. The site-based mentoring program allows Bigs and Littles to meet weekly for an hour at several different schools in the area to work on homework, play sports, or enjoy other planned after-school activities together. The mentor 2.0 program helps high school students prepare for college or a career post-graduation. Mentees learn to manage stress, receive motivation to stay on course during high school as they prepare for college and beyond, and benefit from their mentors’ guidance as successful college graduates.

Becoming a Big can produce a dramatic change for the better in the lives of both you and your Little. Contact BBBSU for more information on getting involved.