
Did you know 2.5 million youth in the U.S. experience severe depression? According to the “State of Mental Health in America” study conducted by Mental Health America, 10.6% of these are youth facing severe depression. According to the study, the percentage of youth living with major depression is climbing. 15.08% of them experienced a severe depressive episode in the past year. This was up 1.24% versus the dataset a year prior. How can you assist
Donating to nonprofit organizations is one of the most effective ways to give back to the community. Donations may come in the form of cash or property. When making donations in Utah, an important first step is to research the charity. Avoid charity scams by dealing with reputable nonprofit organizations. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah is a non-profit organization in Utah benefiting specifically the youth in the community. Every year we help thousands of
Taking an active role in community affairs is one of the best ways to give back to society. The experience is rewarding and sometimes life-changing. Few things in life are as fulfilling as knowing that you played a role in making someone’s life just a little bit better. It’s an accomplishment that not many can speak of. Every contribution to Big Brothers Big Sisters Utah can make a difference. Here are 5 benefits of being
A mentor is characterized as a positive role model who offers moral support, encouragement, and guidance to someone. That said, there is much for your child to gain from one-on-one mentorship. The primary roles of a mentor may include the following: providing advice providing counseling providing feedback and providing sponsorship There are many benefits that your child may experience and see in their lives through mentoring, including:  a mentor can assist your child in setting
Suicide is the number one cause of death among young people. Age 15 to 19 years marks a period of transition that is often accompanied by stress feelings. Personal relationships, school work, and uncertainty about the future cause stress among the youth. Family conflict and separation can also add stress to the youth. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah is on the frontline in helping the youth in Utah through one-to-one mentoring.  Risk Factors for