Most people think that volunteering primarily helps those being served. However, people do not realize that volunteers can derive their purpose, experience, and success through their volunteer work. 

At Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah, both the volunteer or the “Big” and the “Little” benefit from the relationship. The Little has a positive role model to look up to and significant leadership and relationship skills. The program encourages both the Big and the Little ones to be their very best selves.

While the opportunity to inspire younger community members is reason enough to join Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Utah, here are some equally good reasons to volunteer in Utah that promote future success.:

Helps You Understand the Community 

Volunteering allows a deeper understanding of oneself and the community. Volunteering can be essential to learning about the problems that communities face. Volunteers learn problem-solving skills that cannot be taught in school. By interacting with community members, volunteers in Utah understand their place and purpose within the larger community through their volunteer work.

Hands-On Experience

Volunteers can gain hands-on experience in just about any professional field. Volunteering allows the exploration of many different career paths without requiring commitment to that particular career path. It can be the perfect way to explore interests or can help build up a resumé.

Health Benefits

Many people report that volunteering makes them feel less stressed, less sad, or depressed and provides a sense of purpose. 

Given the fantastic benefits, both to oneself and the community, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah is a rewarding opportunity to volunteer in Utah. Volunteers get to see the payoff of their hard work as they interact and connect with younger people seeking a positive role model.