Donations in Utah

A report published by the Utah Department Workforce Services claims that more than 52,000 children in Utah live in intergenerational poverty. The report also acknowledged that over 236,056 more were at significant risk of living below or within the poverty line as adults. Collectively, these figures account for almost a third of all children living in the state. Despite that, donations in Utah made through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah have positively impacted the lives of children in need to temper the shocking statistics. Below are a few ways we use donations to promote this cause.

Providing Access to Mentorship

At Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah, we coordinate a one-on-one mentorship program that can cost up to 1,300 dollars per successful match annually. Generally, the program entails supporting the mentors along with coordinating training and development activities.

To continually support children within your community, you can coordinate a monthly donation schedule. Our mentorship program often runs for one year, focusing on fostering child stability and reliability in vulnerable children in need.

Improving Self-Control

Through our mentorship initiatives, children get to stay around reliable older role models, giving them a sense of safety and security as well as encouraging the prevalence of good behavior. A study conducted in 2019 associated the presence of a responsible adult role model with improved self-control in children.

Reducing Risky Behavior

The BBBSU family mentors vulnerable children, with the help of donations in Utah, to reduce their chances of engaging in risky behavior and improve their mental wellness. Due to the financial support, 84 percent of children who stay in our care for a whole year cited that they’re not likely to engage in risky behavior following their assistance.

If you’re interested in supporting children in need, donate to BBBSU today.