Child Safety

Ensuring the safety and well-being of children is paramount at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah. We maintain a steadfast zero-tolerance policy towards any form of abuse or exploitation. In crafting our child protection protocols, we collaborate closely with esteemed partners such as the Centers for Disease Control, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and the Nonprofit Risk Management Center.

Safety forms the bedrock of our services and we continually enhance our screening processes, training modules and child protection policies to uphold the highest standards. We adhere to the rigorous youth protection framework developed by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, drawing on the latest insights and research.

Thorough vetting and background checks are standard procedures for both our volunteers and staff members. Our screening mechanism encompasses various elements, including a written application, detailed references and background checks, in-person interviews to assess mentor suitability and an evaluation of their home environment. Additionally, mentors undergo thorough training and orientation, equipped with clear guidelines for maintaining safe and appropriate boundaries.

Continuous monitoring and support are integral components of our approach. We conduct regular check-ins with both Littles and their guardians to address any safety concerns. Ground rules are established for all matches to ensure a safe and nurturing environment, supplemented by training sessions designed to raise awareness and prevent any form of child abuse. If any suspicion of child abuse arises, we are trained to immediately involve authorities from law enforcement and child protective services. For any more inquiries regarding your child’s safety, contact us at 801-313-0303 or

Invest In A Child's Future

When you support Big Brothers Big Sisters, you can impact the lives of young people in your community.